Get To Know Us
Community Created, Community Driven
Hixon Memorial Hall was built in 1926 as a place to remember and honour those from our rural community that did not return from WW1. It was built using money raised by Wilmot Martin ("Staffordshire's Henry Lauder") and some community events. After WW2, plaques to commemorate further losses were added to the hall. Hixon Memorial Hall has been at the heart of our community ever since.
Hixon Memorial Hall is a registered charity (270999) and is managed by a team of volunteers. The Management Committee's key aim is to keep the hall maintained and functioning to provide a place for today's and future generations to enjoy.
In 2019 the hall is home to a vast variety of groups and activities including a luncheon club for the older generations, a mother and baby group, exercise classes, craft groups, and the Historical Society. It also hosts personal special events such as birthdays and Christenings, and community events such as the Centenary Remembrance Day service. It is an extremely busy little hall and is the only community building within our rural neighbourhood that these events can take place.
Hall Dimensions

The main hall is 16.6m long x 7.3m wide, 3m clear height to underside of heating duct
The stage is 4.5m wide x 1.8m deep and 0.5m high
Main Hall

The bar room is 4.0m wide x 8.0m long and has a hatch into the kitchen.
Bar Room

Cups and crockery can be found in the cupboards. We have a gas and an electric oven, microwave kettle and hot water urn.